Your Rotary Legacy
Rotary’s Promise Club
Clubs achieving 100-percent member support of the Endowment are eligible to be designated as a Rotary’s Promise Club. This support may be an outright gift to the Endowment of $1,000 or more, or a commitment to the Endowment of $1,000 or more.
For full details about Rotary's Promise Club, please visit:
for further assistance, please email plannedgiving@rotary.org
Writing a Will
For further information about bequests, please see:
the “Your Rotary Legacy” brochure,
to register a bequest with the Foundation, please complete the Bequest Registration Form,
contact Mark Anderson on +61 2 8894 9841.
Rotary’s Endowment was created in 1917 to ensure that resources would always be available to do good in the world. It is more important than ever to keep this sustaining resource secure.
Rotary strives to increase the value of your gift to the Endowment by preserving and investing your initial contribution and spending only a portion of the earnings.
This strategy supports Rotary's causes today while generating funds that will further the work of future Rotarians committed to Doing Good in the World.