Leaving a Gift to Rotary 

Rotary member benefit

Create your will online

Document your Will online, in a few, easy steps – and help make a difference for our community

Limited offer

Free For Rotary members

17 - 31 March 2025


Rotary has joined forces with Safewill in Australia and New Zealand to offer Rotary members, family, and friends the opportunity to document a simple legal will online, in a few, easy steps. Safewill also prompts you to consider a gift to The Rotary Foundation in the process. This service is always provided at a discounted rate to Rotary members.

Click below to find out if an on-line will is right for you. Rotary always recommends consulting with your personal tax and legal planners before making any gift.

Have you considered leaving a gift to Rotary in your Will?

Mostly, people direct their bequests to The Rotary Foundation’s Endowment. That’s because a gift to the Endowment—which was established more than a century ago and consistently receives top recognition from ratings agencies—is permanently invested. It is the earnings on this investment that are used to make a lasting difference in people’s lives.

If your gift is directed to the Endowment-SHARE, future earnings will be shared equally between the World Fund and District Designated Funds. This allows the World Fund to continue supporting high impact programs such as global grants and Peace Centers, while also allowing your district to support locally-directed activities, for the next century and more.


Give to the Endowment today and watch as the value of your gift grows and investment earnings improve communities.


Immediate Impact

If you prefer, you can also direct your bequest to funds that support Rotary programs more immediately.  For example, a bequest directed to PolioPlus will be available to support polio eradication in the year it is received.  And bequests to the Annul Fund-SHARE will be directed to the World Fund and District Designated Funds at the end of the usual three year cycle.

And if you have a particular passion for one or more of Rotary’s Causes, such as Protecting the Environment or Saving Mothers and Children, bequests can be directed to specific causes – either in the year they are received or permanently, through the Endowment.

Personalising your fund

You can personalise your legacy with a separately identified fund that bears your name, your family’s name, or the name of a loved one, and with larger gifts it may be possible to more-narrowly direct the use of the funds to specific programs or regions. The minimum amount to establish a named fund is US$25,000.  For further details, please contact Mark Anderson on +61 2 8894 9841 to discuss options.

Let Rotary recognise you

The Rotary Foundation Trustees are pleased to show their gratitude by offering membership in several special societies:

Legacy Society

Individuals and couples who have substantiated a future gift of US$1 million or more to the Endowment are listed in Rotary’s annual report and are invited to exclusive Rotary International and Foundation events. Legacy Society members also receive special recognition items and all the benefits provided to Bequest Society members.

Bequest Society

Those who have made commitments for future gifts of $10,000 to The Rotary Foundation are invited to join the Bequest Society. Each level of giving includes the benefits offered to Bequest Society members at the following levels.


Special seating and registration benefits at the Rotary International Convention


Posthumous induction into the Arch Klumph Society


Customised Rotary’s Promise crystal


Separate named endowed funds directed to two areas of focus or districts


Rotary’s Promise crystal and named endowed fund


Bequest Society pin and an exclusive art piece suitable for framing


Rotary is pleased to confer Benefactor status on those who have made commitments for future gifts to the Endowment in their estate plans or outright gifts of US$1,000 to the Endowment. Benefactors receive a badge suitable for electronic media, a certificate, and a special insignia to wear with a Rotary pin.

Clubs with 100-percent member support of the Endowment are eligible to request a Rotary’s Promise Club electronic certificate. Qualifying support may be a commitment for a future gift to The Rotary Foundation in an estate plan or an outright gift of US$1,000 or more to the Endowment.

To register a bequest with the Foundation, please complete the Bequest Registration Form.



To simplify the process of writing a will in Australia, we have joined with Safewill, an Australian legal/technology company that makes creating and/or updating a will quick and inexpensive—and Rotary members receive a 50% discount off an already low price. Just go to safewill.com/rotaryfoundation.

Suggested Wording

If you would prefer to have your own legal advisor draw up your estate plan, please see some suggested wording for wills and codicils. Please note that anyone contemplating leaving funds to The Rotary Foundation should consult their solicitor before finalising their will.

Further Information

For further information, please see

Rotary’s Promise Club

Rotary’s Promise Club is a recognition program for Rotary clubs in which 100% of members either contribute US$1,000 to the Endowment or make a provision of US$1,000 in their will to the Endowment. For full details about Rotary's Promise Club, please visit: