Support Rotary to

Make a difference

Rotary Foundation Australia connects generous corporations, philanthropies and individuals with Rotary projects that make a significant difference for Australian communities.

Discover how Rotary can help you achieve purpose that’s a fit for your philanthropic priorities.


Rotary member benefit

Create your will online

Document your Will online, in a few, easy steps – and help make a difference for our community

Limited offer

Free For Rotary members

17 - 31 March 2025


Rotary has joined forces with Safewill in Australia and New Zealand to offer Rotary members, family, and friends the opportunity to document a simple legal will online, in a few, easy steps. Safewill also prompts you to consider a gift to The Rotary Foundation in the process. This service is always provided at a discounted rate to Rotary members.

Click below to find out if an on-line will is right for you. Rotary always recommends consulting with your personal tax and legal planners before making any gift.

Rotary is focused on several critically important causes that make a significant difference to the lives of people in need, in Australia and around the world.  These causes align closely with the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals.  

Rotary Foundation Australia gives you the opportunity to invest in humanitarian outcomes that are very tightly aligned with your purpose. Our donors can choose which cause (or causes) they wish to support and large donors can engage with us to direct their support to specific Rotary projects.




clean water

Saving mothers
and children



Growing local

Protecting the



CSR Grants

In April 2023, the Trustees of The Rotary Foundation approved a new kind of grant for deployment in Australia and Brazil—Corporate Social Responsibility Grants, or CSR Grants.

CSR Grants provide a straightforward way for corporations to engage with Rotary in the delivery of mutually agreed outcomes.

For more information, please visit our CSR Grants page.


A hands on approach to saving lives


Australian and USA clubs and districts funded the A$200,000 purchase of medical equipment to set up a diagnosis and dialysis facility in the far northwest of South Australia


Support Rotary to

End polio now

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Today, polio cases are reduced by 99.9%. Rotary needs your support to complete the job.

Since our first project to vaccinate children in the Philippines in 1979, Rotary members have contributed more than US$2.1 billion and countless volunteer hours to protect nearly 3 billion children in 122 countries from this paralyzing disease. Rotary’s advocacy efforts have played a role in decisions by governments to contribute more than US$10 billion to the effort. With polio remaining endemic in Afghanistan and Pakistan, it’s crucial to continue vaccination and prevent up to 200,000 child infections yearly.

Make a difference

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Are you interested in leaving a gift to Rotary in your will? Find out more about bequests.

Make a bigger difference, faster

From our global wealth of volunteers, to our established networks, infrastructure and financial partnering, Rotary offers unparalleled capability to help you create lasting change across the globe and in your community

Read more on the Rotary advantage, and how we can help you deliver your vision for lasting change around the globe and in your community.




For sixteen consecutive years, Rotary Foundation Australia’s parent organisation, The Rotary Foundation, has received the highest rating — four stars — from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S. They have given TRF an overall score of 100% — that’s 100 / 100 for all four parameters: Financial, Accountability & Transparency, Leadership & Adaptability and Culture & Community.

“We are proud to announce The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International has earned our sixteenth consecutive 4-star rating”, says Michael Thatcher, President and CEO of Charity Navigator.

This is our highest possible rating and indicates that your organization adheres to sector best practices and executes its mission in a financially efficient way. Attaining a 4-star rating verifies that The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International exceeds industry standards and outperforms most charities in your area of work.

Only 1% of the charities we evaluate have received at least 14 consecutive 4-star evaluations, indicating that The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International outperforms most other charities in America. This exceptional designation from Charity Navigator sets The Rotary Foundation of Rotary International apart from its peers and demonstrates to the public its trustworthiness.”For fourteen consecutive years, The Rotary Foundation has received the highest rating — four stars — from Charity Navigator, an independent evaluator of charities in the U.S. They have given TRF an overall score of 100% — that’s 100 / 100 for all four parameters: Financial, Accountability & Transparency, Leadership & Adaptability and Culture & Community.