Supporting kidney disease patients in outback Australia
Pukatja is an extremely remote indigenous community in South Australia. It experiences kidney disease at a rate fifteen times higher than the national average.
With the nearest treatment facility about 1,000km away, dialysis entails relocation, far away from the patient’s support network of family and community – a devastating blow, especially for someone already suffering the trauma of serious illness.
Delivering treatment closer to home results in dramatically better health outcomes, reduced economic and community impacts and reduced need for ancillary services, such as social workers and interpreters.
The Rotary Club of Waikerie, along with numerous Clubs and Districts, from Australia and the USA, funded the A$200,000 purchase of the medical equipment to set up a dialysis facility in the far northwest of the state. They partnered with the WDNWPT Aboriginal Community. The Rotary Foundation provided A$70,000 in Global Grant funding..
Support Rotary to change lives and improve communities through disease prevention and treatment